"Readers are made, not born." –The Book Whisperer
The Empty Pot
★★★★★Overall Score
Peace Like a River
Leif Enger
★★★★★Overall Score
Sense and Sensibility
Jane Austen
★★★★☆Overall Score
Goin’ Someplace Special
Patricia C. McKissack
★★★★☆Overall Score
Reem Faruqi
★★★★☆Overall Score
The Castle of Llyr
Lloyd Alexander
★★★★☆Overall Score
To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee
★★★★★Overall Score
The Peach Pit Parade
Shana Keller
★★★★☆Overall Score
The Day Saida Arrived
Susana Gómez Redondo
★★★★☆Overall Score
Taran Wanderer
Lloyd Alexander
★★★★★Overall Score