When Bird mixes up something Turtle says, he accidentally starts a rumor about the watering hole drying up. One misunderstanding leads to another, with animals making their own hilarious assumptions. No one is hearing anything right, and soon the animals are in an uproar from one end of the jungle to the other. Elephant is trumpeting, Croc is snapping, and the Flamingos are fleeing! Beard's story will have every child wondering if peace can ever be restored in the animal kingdom.- What was Bird’s mistake? What happened after he made this mistake?
- Bird doubted that what he heard from Turtle was correct, but he still shared it with Elephant. What could Bird have done differently? He could have asked Turtle to repeat himself to make sure he heard correctly. When sharing with Elephant, he could have added the words “I think” instead of making a claim.
- Do you think Bird learned anything from his mistake?
- Bird wasn’t the only animal to make the same mistake. What other animal jumped hastily to a conclusion?
- At the end of the book, Bird meets with Turtle again. What rumor do you think Bird will spread next? How might that rumor cause harm?
- Play the game Telephone with your children. Children love learning how much the statement has been altered by the time it reaches the end of the line.
- Explain how anything a human says may change over time as it spreads from person to person. The Quran is the exception. Allah ﷻ has promised His Divine protection over the final revelation.
Mindful Muslim Review
Teaching Tools
Genres: General Fiction, Humor
Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press
*This review applies only to ISBN number noted above.