Book 5 of 5 in the Chronicles of Prydain. When the sword of Dyrnwyn, the most powerful weapon in the kingdom of Prydain, falls into the hands of Arawn Death Lord, Taran, Assistant Pig-Keeper, and Prince Gwydion raise an army to march against Arawn's terrible cohorts. After a winter expedition filled with danger, Taran's army arrives at Mount Dragon, Arawn's stronghold. There, in a thrilling confrontation with Arawn and the evil enchantress Achren, Taran is forced to make the most crucial decision of his life.- Leadership in the Islamic tradition is viewed as a position of responsibility rather than one of power and privilege. Discuss what it means to be a responsible leader. Read the inaugural speech of Abu Bakr, may Allah ﷻ be pleased with him, when he accepted the role of khalifa (leader of the Muslim ummah). Discuss the way he viewed leadership.
- Princess Eilonwy joins the army during a war and dresses in traditional male clothing as a soldier. There is no indication of gender confusion here, rather she is portrayed as a tomboy. However, parents should be aware that this content may be taken out of context by a child, especially one who is exposed to the forceful promotion of the non-binary view of gender in modern Western societies. This book presents an opportunity to discuss the idea that girls who prefer hiking and horse riding over frills and fancy are just as feminine as other girls. The Islamic understanding of femininity is defined by character and actions rather than interests: taking care of others, acting with grace, and showing mercy.
Mindful Muslim Review
This book earns our Gold Star for its portrayal of a leader who serves his people with humility and sacrifices personal benefit for the sake of his community. He chooses his closest companions due to their good character, protects women and the elderly, and shows respect for books and knowledge. He exhibits wisdom when he defers to those who have knowledge in areas that are not his expertise. This highlights to children an important practice of our beloved Messenger ﷺ–seeking counsel from those who are experts in a field rather than coming to conclusions based on personal whims.
Mindful Muslim Reader recommends Books 1-5 in this series.
Teaching Tools
Series: The Chronicles of Prydain
Publisher: Dell Yearling
*This review applies only to ISBN number noted above.