Book 1 of 5 in the Spiderwick Chronicles. It all starts when Jared Grace finds their great uncle's book, 'Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastic World Around You' and the Grace kids realize that they are not alone in their new house. Now the kids want to tell their story but the faeries will do everything they can to stop them.- Jared is known to make up false stories, play pranks, and lie to cover up his mistakes. In the tradition of the boy who cried wolf, nobody believes Jared when he says that he didn’t tie his sister’s hair to the bed (p. 44-45) or trash the kitchen (p. 78-80). Discuss the importance of honesty with your child and the consequences of lying. Trust once lost is hard to regain and a reputation for lying can stick to you.
Mindful Muslim Review
A fantasy series for younger children, this book blends the fantastical into the real world and pulls the reader in with a fast-moving plot. With a masterful attention to detail and incredible pen-and-ink drawings, the series allows children to enter an imaginary world of faeries, goblins, ogres, and sword fighting.
Mindful Muslim Reader recommends Books 1-5 in this series.
Teaching Tools
Ages: 7-10
Series: The Spiderwick Chronicles
Publisher: Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers
*This review applies only to ISBN number noted above.