One small boy has a special gift—he can weave cloth from the clouds: gold in the early morning with the rising sun, white in the afternoon, and crimson in the evening. He spins just enough cloth for a warm scarf. But when the king sees the boy's magnificent cloth, he demands cloaks and gowns galore. "It would not be wise," the boy protests. "Your majesty does not need them!" But spin he must—and soon the world around him begins to change. From author Michael Catchpool and illustrator Alison Jay comes a magical tale about the beauty and fragility of our natural world, and the wisdom and courage needed to protect it.- Did the King need the scarf or the clothes he ordered or did he want them? How is needing something different than wanting something?
- Allah ﷻ can give us knowledge through many means. One is through the wisdom of our elders. Why should we respect this form of knowledge?
- Why did his mother teach him “Enough is enough and not one stitch more”? What does that mean?
- What made the boy wise? He learned from his mother and made only what he needed.
- Discuss the natural consequences of greed. What happens to the clouds and subsequently the rain as the boy keeps up with the King’s demands?
- Because of their fitrah, children are sometimes able to see right from wrong more clearly than adults. Who corrects the actions of the King?
- Is it ever too late to fix a mistake?
- We also recommend The Lorax for a picture book with a similar message that can be used for older children as well.
Mindful Muslim Review
This story helps young children learn a crucial tenet of Islam—serving as stewards of this Earth and using the resources that Allah ﷻ has entrusted us with responsibly. Simple, yet beautifully illustrated, this book allows children to understand what happens to the environment when we use more than we need. Greed and overconsumption are tackled in a manner that even young children can understand.
Teaching Tools
Genres: General Fiction
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf
*This review applies only to ISBN number noted above.