Lily and her grandmother search for ten beautiful things as they take a long car ride to Iowa and Lily's new home with Gran. At first, Lily sees nothing beautiful in the April slush and cloudy sky. Soon though, Lily can see beauty in unexpected places, from the smell of spring mud to a cloud shaped like a swan to a dilapitated barn. A furious rainstorm mirrors Lily's anxiety, but as it clears Lily discovers the tenth beautiful thing: Lily and Gran and their love for each other.Mindful Muslim Review
This book tells the story of a tender exchange between a grandmother and her young granddaughter navigating a life change after a major loss. As they drive to their new shared home, she asks her granddaughter to find ten beautiful things along the way. From the earthy rich smell of mud to the extraordinary power of a storm, Lily’s hollowness is slowly filled with comfort as she realizes that even in difficult times, beauty may be found. This book earns our Gold Star as it poignantly reflects the Quranic verse “with hardship there is ease.” (94:6) and showcases positive interactions with elders in the lives of children—a rarity in modern messaging.
Genres: General Fiction
Publisher: Charlesbridge
*This review applies only to ISBN number noted above.