Will two clans in Ethiopia make peace by throwing their most precious possessions in the river? Can a poor Palestinian shepherd show a rich sultan the value of true kindness? Or will an angel in Afghanistan find a way to turn the selfish Emir into a caring ruler? The importance of peace and kindness in our lives shines through these timeless, inspirational stories from seven countries, told and illustrated with empathy and humor.Mindful Muslim Review
The author brings together stories from seven countries of the traditionally Muslim world, all of which have been ripped apart in modern times by war and invasion. The stories remind us of the timeless wisdom in the understanding of traditional people and point our children’s moral compass toward kindness, compassion, justice, and integrity despite hardship and conflict. The final folktale from the Uighur region of China, which highlights courage, ingenuity, and tenacity, includes mythological rather than Islamic elements.
Genres: General Fiction
Publisher: Crocodile Books
*This review applies only to ISBN number noted above.