Willy Wonka's famous chocolate factory is opening at last! But only five lucky children will be allowed inside. And the winners are: Augustus Gloop, an enormously fat boy whose hobby is eating; Veruca Salt, a spoiled-rotten brat whose parents are wrapped around her little finger; Violet Beauregarde, a dim-witted gum-chewer with the fastest jaws around; Mike Teavee, a toy pistol-toting gangster-in-training who is obsessed with television; and Charlie Bucket, our hero, a boy who is honest and kind, brave and true, and good and ready for the wildest time of his life!Mindful Muslim Review
First published in 1964, the story of the elusive golden ticket and the grand chocolate factory continues to captivate the imagination of both children and adults. Through each ticket winner, author Roald Dahl offers timeless lessons related to the consequences of self-indulgence and greed in a way that young children can easily understand. Readers will grimace at the repugnant behaviors of the incorrigible ticket winners and their enabling parents while cheering along kind, thoughtful Charlie, who remains by his loving grandpa’s side no matter what. For this reason, it has earned our Gold Star.
Mindful Muslim Reader may not necessarily recommend all books in this series.
Genres: Fantasy, General Fiction, Humor
Series: Charlie Bucket
Publisher: Puffin Books
*This review applies only to ISBN number noted above.