Book 2 of 9 of the Anne of Green Gables series. When twelve-year-old Anne Shirley came to Avonlea, she quickly won everyone’s heart. Now, she’s five years older, almost a woman, and about to embark on a new adventure: becoming the teacher in her old Avonlea school. It’s an exciting year as Anne struggles to win over all her students, welcomes two new members to her family, and feels the first stirrings of love.Mindful Muslim Review
Mindful Muslim Reader recommends Books 1-6 in this series. The rest of the series is in the process of being reviewed. Stay tuned!
Teaching Tools
This book has many opportunities for teachable moments. The following is a small plot point, but we feel it is important to discuss with children:
Reflect on Mrs. Lynde’s habit of “idle” gossip (p. 9, 112). Does Mrs. Lynde intend any harm with her gossip? Can gossip ever be harmless? Words should serve to build, not break, relationships. Discuss this verse from the Quran: Believers, avoid making too many assumptions–some assumptions are sinful–and do not spy on one another or speak ill of people behind their backs: would any of you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother? No, you would hate it. So be mindful of God: God is ever relenting, most merciful (49:12).