With her new backpack and light-up shoes, Faizah knows the first day of school is going to be special. It’s the start of a brand new year and, best of all, it’s her older sister Asiya’s first day of hijab–a hijab of beautiful blue fabric, like the ocean waving to the sky. But not everyone sees hijab as beautiful, and in the face of hurtful, confusing words, Faizah will find new ways to be strong.Mindful Muslim Review
“Her hijab smiles at me the whole way.” This endearing story captures the deep love and adoration Faizah feels for her elder sister Asiya, as Asiya navigates her first day of wearing hijab. Vivacious Faizah beams with pride, admiration and a deep reverence for the blue hijab her sister proudly wears as she walks with her to school and checks on her throughout the day. When Faizah catches hurtful words from other students, we hear the guiding voice of their mother gently reminding them of the importance of being strong, understanding one’s faith, and leaving behind careless and thoughtless words spewed out of ignorance. The perpetrators were not given a name or a face, further illustrating their insignificance. This book earns our Gold Star as it beautifully captures love of family grounded in faith and its significance in developing strength and resilience in our children.