The Gardener

The Gardener
Lydia Grace Finch brings a suitcase full of seeds to the big gray city, where she goes to stay with her Uncle Jim, a cantankerous baker. There she initiates a gradual transformation, bit by bit brightening the shop and bringing smiles to customers' faces with the flowers she grows. But it is in a secret place that Lydia Grace works on her masterpiece -- an ambitious rooftop garden -- which she hopes will make even Uncle Jim smile.
  • Virtue
    Is this the way I want my child to think and act?
    Ratings are based on how much a book extols Islamic morality and espouses classical ideals.
  • Language
    Is this the way I want my child to speak?
    Ratings are based on a book's vocabulary, cadence, and overall eloquence suited to age level.
  • Story
    Does this story resonate with my child?
    Ratings are based on the integrity of plot structure, the depth of characters, the palpability of the book's conflict and resolution, and the lure of its setting.
  • Beauty
    Does this book develop my child's ability to recognize beauty?
    Ratings are based on aesthetics, linguistic beauty, poignancy, and how well a book embodies ihsan—harmonizing excellence.
Mindful Muslim Review

Set during the Great Depression, a series of letters tells this heartwarming story of a young girl’s resilience and altruism when she is sent to live with her uncle in the city during difficult times. With her optimistic, cheerful countenance and a love of gardening—a skill nurtured by her grandmother—she finds purpose in helping to brighten up life for her seemingly stern uncle and those around her. The thought-provoking illustrations detail the outward transformation of the city as well as the inward transformation of her bond with her uncle. Lessons in resilience and selflessness in the face of difficulty combined with deep, meaningful illustrations, earns this historical fiction book our Gold Star.

Ages: ,
Illustrator: David Small
Publisher: Square Fish
Published: 5/1/2007
Page Count: 40
ISBN13: 9780312367497
*This review applies only to ISBN number noted above.

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